Robin Williams death

Zelda Williams still misses her father

By GTVW Staff

Photos Agency

Robin was a smart man, good as father and comedian and his suicide might have had something to do with new things coming up. His daughter Zelda Williams spoke saying she hasn’t burdened herself with questions about why he committed suicide but her father was well liked and loved throughout the world and will be missed.

Robin Williams finally rests in peace

By GalaTView Staff

Photos Agency

After 3 months Robin Williams was found dead at his home in Tiburon, Calif., the Marin County Sheriff’s Office and Coroner have just been released the autopsy and it turns out there were several details released that were not initially revealed at the time of his death.

 The coroner’s report said his body was found about 11:45 a.m. by a personal assistant who used a paperclip to open the locked door of the bedroom where Williams had been sleeping. Williams was found in a seated position on the floor of the bedroom with a belt secured around his neck and the other end of the belt wedged between a closet door and door frame.

The actor was wearing black jeans and a black short-sleeve T-shirt, the coroner’s report said. Robin Williams was suffering from depression and a secret diagnosis of Parkinson’s. Now he is resting in peace.