About Us

About Us

is a universal media…” that includes: Internet, Broadcast,Television, Radio and Video. Our main goals are  inform,distribute and display to the public in general, the best  content of Entertainment, Sports, Culture, Art, Health, Lifestyle, Technology and more topics of general interest. Therefore, we are working on directly from the source of information to the world.

Our Objective:

One of the missions of GalaTView is communicate, inform, entertain and educate all our viewers in several languages ​​for being the main leader in the world which would give high quality services, professionalism, objectivity, loyalty and honesty in the content of this Website.

Hi everyone!

GalaTView emerged from the simplest idea according to our society necessities such as: educating, communicating and having fun with our photos, interviews, etc. GalaTView is very cautious with the information that we are going to develop but our professionalism is always present in what we do, in an effort to serve better our audience, so we deeply appreciate your choice, support and understanding to make this means of communication the best gala of your  lives.


Sincerely: Lic. Alfonso De Elías.

President and Founder of GalaTView


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