Bill Cosby

More sexual victims of Bill Cosby

By GalaTView Staff

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Definitely this great comedian has not luck and now he has to face another sexual scandal and his victim is Chloe Goins who said this happened six years ago at the Playboy Mansion, once Cosby offered her a drink. She then remembered that she lost consciousness and woke up naked, while Cosby was kissing her toes and masturbating. Now is unclear if this fact will be investigate for authorities due these are serious allegations.

More sex abuse scandals against Bill Cosby

By GalaTView staff

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Chelan, who claims she was victimized by Bill Cosby, and claims justice in her case of rape. Chelan who now lives in California, said she had a cold that fateful night, so Cosby gave her a blue pill, told her it was an antihistamine and suggested she wash it down with a double shot of Amaretto. If he’s innocent, why not go to court and prove it?

More accusations against Bill Cosby

By GalaTView Staff

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I’d be too ashamed to tell anyone too and certainly Bill Cosby has to face the scandal raises of many sexual assault allegations in which some victims have spoken of drugs being used to diminish their faculties. For many this case is a scandal and if he is guilty, he needs to go to jail but the new reality is the rich, famous and powerful to go to jail; not really especially when some remained anonymous and agreed to be witnesses to have an undisclosed amount.