A frenetic action thriller comes with “Safe House”

Reviewed by Jenny Alvarez

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“No one is safe” especially with a rogue CIA agent who has been hiding for years, Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) one day turns himself in, and he’s brought to a safe house in Johannesburg, South Africa managed by low-level agent Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) for debriefing. When the Safe House is attacked by a group of mercenaries, Matt finds himself on the run with Tobin, while trying to get to the bottom of who wants him killed.

Brutal fight scenes and intensity in each scene with car chases added life to what would have been an overall flat movie and makes it more entertaining. Sometimes, the camera shakes a bit too much and detracts during a few encounters. Although Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) plays the same character over and over again and he hasn’t done much outside, is the opposite of Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) does have his moments to let loose.

There is a lack of feminine touch so all of the inner workings fail and unfortunately, “Safe House” just becomes too predictable even Director Espinosa did an extraordinary job of many action-packed sequences for the duration of some scenes. Now you can enjoy this movie on a DVD/blu-ray this coming June 5th with Master Audio 5.1 (English), Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo (English DVS), DTS 5.1 Surround (French), DTS 5.1 Surround (Spanish) and subtitles in English, French, and Spanish.

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