George Zimmerman can be released from jail

By GalaTView staff

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The neighborhood watch volunteer who killed Trayvon Martin can be released from jail on $1 million bond while he awaits trial on a second-degree murder charge, a judge ruled Thursday. That is more typical of his 2nd Degree Murder charge so the question is Why does GZ get the kid gloves treatment from the judicial system?

Prosecutors said a website Zimmerman created for his legal defense had raised $135,000 at the time of his first bond hearing. Zimmerman and his wife did not mention the money then, and Shellie Zimmerman even said the couple had limited resources because she was a student and he wasn’t working.

The judge made his decision after listening last week to Zimmerman’s attorney and a forensic financial analyst explain why he wasn’t more forthcoming.

Amanda Bynes gets DUI

Amanda Bynes is caught driving off from a club in Hollywood, where she is filmed pushing the gas pedal without looking at the road. Is this another Paris and Lohan teen star star gone mad? Tell us what you think and look at her mug shot.

Tornadoes Take Homes in Texas

There had been no reported deaths of the powerful tornadoes that struck Texas. Between 6 and 13 tornadoes might have touched down in North texas. Three people were taken to a hospital in Arlington and at least 150 homes were destroyed, stated Mayor Robert Cluck.

Protestors Demand Trayvon Justice

Protestors demand justice for young Trayvon. In Stanford, Florida people march in the police headquarters carrying signs that say “justice”. Trayvon Martin, 17-years-old was killed by a neighborhood watch George Zimmerman.  Trayvon was carrying a bag of skittles and an ice tea. He was wearing a hoodie and is an African-American male. Zimmerman is accused of racial profiling Trayvon as “suspicious” and following him for no reason, except his physical appearance. Zimmerman’s defense team state that he only attacked because of self-defense.

New Movie with Franco, Gomez, and Hudgens.

James Franco is to star in the new upcoming film “Spring Breakers”. Also starring is Selena Gomes and Vanessa Hudgens. Franco is to play a drug dealer, and he resembles almost identical to Britney Spear’s ex-huband Kevin Federline.

Lee Apologizes to Retweets Zimmerman's Fake Address

Spike Lee retweeted the address of Trayvon Martin shooter George Zimmerman. However, it is the wrong address. Lee stated that his purpose is to wake the people up and raise awareness of Martin’s death.  He stated “wake the hell up” to his twitter followers. The address is of an elderly couple who plan to lock their doors for safety. Later, Lee genuinely apologized for the tweet and said he wanted justice in court.

Health Reform and 18-Month-Old Violet

The health care reform was necessary for 18-month-old daughter, Violet McManus. Violet suffers from seizures that threaten her breathing. Without health care reform, she would have gotten kicked off her parents’ insurance, because her care is so expensive. Millions of other people, like Violet McManus, stand to lose a lot if all or part of it is reversed. Supreme Court is hearing arguments this week on health care reform law.

Queen Elizabeth Crashes Wedding

Queen Elizabeth unexpectedly “crashes” the wedding of John and Frances Canning. They didn’t really expect Queen Elizabeth to come to their wedding, but when they learned she was going to be in Manchester, England, on the day of their nuptials, they sent an invitation on a whim. The bride calls her appearance a “gift”. She is making appearances around the country this spring as she celebrates her Diamond Jubilee, marking her 60 years on the throne.

Worshippers Wear Hoodies in Trayvon Tribute

Worshippers in cities nationwide were wearing hoodies to church services Sunday to honor Trayvon Martin, a Florida teenager shot to death last month by a neighborhood watch volunteer. Trayvon was wearing a hoodie when he was killed February 26 as he walked back to his father’s fiancee’s house in Sanford, Florida, after a trip to a convenience store. Police say he was unarmed, carrying a bag of Skittles candy and an iced tea; he was shot by George Zimmerman. Zimmerman has not been charged. Hoodie marches are expected Sunday in cities across the country

Death of Trayvon Martin becomes a National Concern

Trayvon Martin, 17,  was shot in Florida by a neighborhood watch volunteer. Young Martin was carrying an ice tea drink and a bag of skittles. His parents and teachers have stated that he was a good kid, who played sports and did well in school. Martin was an African American boy and the community has stated that this was an act of racial profiling. Obama stated “I think they are right to expect that all of us as Americas are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves and we will get to the bottom of exactly what happened,” he said. And he obliquely addressed the racial component of the case, saying it struck home for him because, “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon”.


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